Nowocoat Industrial A/S

Huge market for innovative solutions with Coolingpaint from Nowocoat

Danish political party Venstre’s member of the Euroean Parliament’s environmental group, Linea Søgaard- Lidell, described Coolingpaint as ”incredibly smart” after today’s visit to Danish paint and lacquer manufacturer Nowocoat in Kolding – something of a growth phenomenon in Danish industry.


“It is clear that we will face massive challenges with heating and cooling buildings if we are to achieve our ambitious climate goals. I am sure that ahugemarket awaits thesolution developed by Nowocoat,andI am generally impressed by the level of innovation I experienced at Nowocoat. This bodes well for the future,” says Linea Søgaard-Lidell.


COOLINGPAINT isapatented and innovative paint that reflects 70% of the sun’s infrared rays and reduces the surface absorption of heat by as much as 20% thanks to microscopic mirrors added to the pigments.


Nowocoat invitedLineaSøgaard-Lidellfora visitso that she could experience first-handtheserelevant solutions in the effort to meet the adopted environmental goals.


“Our Coolingpaint could be a good solution for saving money and cutting CO2 emissions from existing buildings. The product has been developed through new lines ofthinkingandinnovation, disciplinesnthat we have mastered, and the creation of sustainable paints has long been part of our DNA. Right now, the times are working in our favour,and we are ready to offer a thoroughly tested range of products for woodwork, facades and roofs,” says Chairman of the Board Nina Reinert of Nowocoat.


Coolingpaintwill benefit private customers and be part of large-scale solutions forindustrial buildings, offices and businesses with air conditioning, and there are many reasons to choose Coolingpaint. First of all, it will result in reduced CO2 emissions from cooling. Coolingpaint ensures that the temperature of the treated surface does not become excessively high, and because it requires more energy to cool a building than to heat it, the product can help reduce the ever-increasing CO2 emissions from cooling.


Secondly, the product provides unique protection. Coolingpaint protects the treated surface from the sun’s damaging infrared rays, and has been quality tested to international standards for consumption per area and covering power, UV stability, adhesion, peeling, blistering, cracking, high weather resistance, fungal and algae growth, gloss and colour change.


The product is labelled with the EU flower, which guarantees that the product meets strict environmental requirements at all stages of its life cycle. This means that Coolingpaint does not contain heavy metals, plasticisers or harmful amounts of solvents.


Finally, it shouldbe emphasised that theproduct is a result of a patented technology. Nowocoat’s US patent is called Solvent-free Infrared Reflective Surface Coating and this covers both the construction and process.


The product from Nowocoat is the culmination of several years of development based on the Stealth technology known from and developed by the US military.


Danish coating-innovation establishes a newbase in Southeast Asia

A strategic venture strengthens the position of Nowocoat, high-techmanufacturer of sustainable and eco-friendly coating for professional and industrial use, in the Asian markets. The pandemic and current travelling restrictions have acceleratedthe establishment of a Southeast Asian office –a venture motivated by a goaltoincreasesustainability and awareness of the environment through presence, knowledge sharing and short reaction time.


Six years ago, when Nowocoat, Danish manufacturer of paint and coating, sold the main part of the company’s activities and began a newambitious journey, the starting point was a unique passion to set a new sustainable agenda in the coating industry and access the market with strategic ventures driven by presence, flexibility and innovation at all levels.


From day one,the focus was to form a well-founded team of innovative specialists on all positions and to set a specialisedteam to carry forward anaggressive growth strategyby focused development of green, sustainable solutions. And Nowocoat has succeeded. With innovative Green Tech products for concrete, metal and wood coating the company has attainedambitious breakthroughsand certifications which ensure a strong position as a sub-supplier to the kitchen industry, a large number of esteemed, Danish furniture brands –and not least international design companies which areknown to work with some of the most detailed and strict environmental guidelines in the world, like Swedish Ikea. Not only as Nowocoat –but also under the recognized brand, Lurrell Sustainable Solutions, which has been an integrated part of Nowocoat for the last 2 years.


Internationally, the Danish company is a small player among multinational concerns as Sherwin Williams, PPG and Akzo Nobel, etc.However, Nowocoathas succeeded in turning this position into competitive advantages by demonstrating an absolute focus on presence, flexibility, knowledge-and experience sharing with a growing number of customers in Denmark just asinternationally.And especially during the Covid-pandemic, thewish to be present and flexible speeded up the establishment of a Southeast Asian office to get closer to the steadily growing Asian furniture industryamong others.


The office in Asia is foundedunder the name of Lurrell Sustainable Solutions. It issituated in Vietnam –and includesa hand-picked team of experienced employees who know the Asian markets, the customers and not least the characteristic challenges of the Asian industries and workingconditions.


The design of the new set-up is based on the positive experience with working closely with individual customers as well as natural links between different business unitsand the Southeast Asian office willbe the gathering point of the company’s activities in Thailand, China, Vietnam and Poland which have many market-related similarities.As head of the office, Lurrell Sustainable Solutions has employed Ulrik Soll who has profound business and market experience and is a familiar face in the region.


‘By being present, having insight and a thorough understanding of production environmentand working conditions, we know that we can actively contribute to a higher degree of sustainability in for instance the Asian furniture industry by inviting to an open and human dialogue about how tostrengthen the environment as well as to improve local working conditions.’, says CEO at Nowocoat, Ole Enevold Jensen. He adds that the reaction time gained by having a local base is anothersignificant competitive advantage: ‘It is easier to secure continuityand drive when we are present inthe market –not least in a time when travelling back and forth is unsafe and irresponsible and does not contribute to getting control over the pandemic and returningto normal conditions.’


’With a combination of Danish and local employees,we create the best preconditions for reaching out to local markets and draw on the know-how establish by our Scandinavian team of specialists. This meansthat we can contribute to future-oriented solutions that include not only our product, the coating, but also focus on optimisingenergy consumption, disposaland overall green solutions to strengthen climate actionand initiatives for better working conditions.


According to the chairman of the board, Nina Reinert, the new base in Asia is one of several new initiatives set to continuously boost the ambitious growthof Nowocoat: ’Our innovative R&D team steadily works to develop eco-friendly products in line with Danish as well as international climate goals. Furthermore, we haveuntapped production capacity, unexploited growth potential and not least, we think that our alternative, Scandinavian can impact the future.’


Lurrell asia feb 2021 ENG docx Lurrell asia feb 2021 ENG 

Nowocoat contributes to a better world

nowocoat sdg

The 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are both inspiring and ambitious. At Nowocoat, we want to contribute to a more sustainable world, which is why we are focused on ways we can support the transformation into making human civilization more sustainable. We have already taken initiatives in this regard, both in terms of our production and through the products we sell on the market, but we are confident that we can make an even greater impact in the future. That is why we regard our contribution to sustainability and the UN’s 17 SDGs as a process of development rather than a result of our activities. However, that does not mean that we are not already engaged in activities we can be proud of:


Read more info here

Stort fald i udgifterne til fjernelse af graffiti

Nowocoat har udviklet et murimprægneringsmiddel, der gør det muligt at fjerne graffiti alene ved hjælp af koldt vand og højtryk. Den behandlede overflade kan tåle mindst 16 afrensninger.


 Stort fald


Mange danske kommuner, boligselskaber, institutioner og virksomheder vil nu kunne opnå betydelige besparelser på udgifterne til fjernelse af graffiti.

Nowocoat i Kolding har nemlig udviklet et nyt specielt middel til murimprægnering, der gør det muligt at fjerne den uønskede graffiti alene ved hjælp af højtryksspuling med koldt vand. Det kan altså ske helt uden brug af rengørings- og opløsningsmidler, og effekten af imprægneringen er i realiteten så godt som permanent.


Nyheden hedder Nowo Anti Graffiti Seal og fungerer ved, at den lægger en transparent og næsten usynlig membran på overfladen, som bevirker, at malingen fra graffitien ikke trænger ind i selve væggen eller muren. Den lægger sig kun uden på membranen og er derfor let og hurtig at spule af.


Nowo Anti Graffiti Seal har den unikke egenskab i sammenligning med andre kendte graffiti-midler, at imprægneringen er langtidsholdbar og tæt på at være en permanent løsning. Undersøgelser har vist og dokumenteret, at membranen kan tåle mindst 16 graffiti-afrensninger med højtryk på op til 100 bar, før muren eller væggen skal imprægneres på ny. Det giver meget store økonomiske, arbejdsmæssige og miljømæssige gevinster, at muren ikke skal genimprægneres stort set hver gang, der er fjernet graffiti. Over en meget lang periode vil der således kun være behov for hurtig, billig og miljøvenlig højtryksspuling.


Det nye middel er baseret på siloxan-hybrider og kan anvendes på alle mure og vægge af beton, eternit, tegl, træ og metal. Det kan påføres med pensel, rulle og professionelt sprøjteudstyr, og resultatet er en gennemsigtig og næsten usynlig membran, der danner en vandtæt og meget stærk barriere, som samtidig er diffusionsåben, så muren stadig kan ånde.

Nowo Anti Graffiti Seal leveres i plastdunke på 5 og 25 liter og sælges udelukkende direkte til de professionelle brugere.

If you are interested in starting a collaboration with Nowocoat A/S, then feel free to contact us for an informal conversation about the opportunities.